In a hyper-connected world with practically instantaneous communication, remote medicine services allow people to get the health care or assistance they need whenever and wherever they are.
However, with the health crisis, health systems and institutions had to speed up their digital processes to continue providing the diagnosis and treatment required by patients seeking to recover movement or functional capacity after a musculoskeletal injury or pathology.
Given this panorama, the importance of telerehabilitation is reaffirmed. The specialist David Woroboff defines the use and practice of rehabilitation services broadly through the Internet and information and communication technologies.
The telemedicine tools offered by David Woroboff allow applying orthopedic rehabilitation programs to patients who cannot travel to a clinic, either because they have a disability, for example, a person with a stroke, or due to a situation of confinement. It can also serve as an alternative to home rehabilitation, which requires the therapist to travel to the patient’s home.
Conditions for using teletherapy
With David Woroboff’s telemedicine tools, barriers related to travel time and associated expenses are reduced or eliminated, particularly over long distances. Using reusable and low-cost telecommunication devices and technologies facilitates access to professionals and patients located in remote locations, saving travel costs and waiting times.
Multiple conditions or circumstances have been identified where digital practice in physical therapy can be exercised. Education about the health condition, the promotion of independence, the prescription of therapeutic exercise, advice on physical activity or exercise plans, follow-up, and monitoring of the progress of patients and users previously treated in person.
Treatment continuity is achieved
There are multiple telerehabilitation models or ways of delivering physical therapy services outside of a care center offered by Mr. David Woroboff, which have been implemented nationwide. By allowing continuity of treatment and facilitating access from home, telerehabilitation encourages people to direct their long-term rehabilitation.